
megwebber Pro

*Saoirse voice* Women 🤌
I just really like movies.
Please enjoy the chaos that is my all-time favorites list.

Favorite films

  • Lady Bird
  • Blade Runner 2049
  • Past Lives
  • Mulan

Recent activity

  • Dallas Buyers Club

  • The Twister: Caught in the Storm

  • Justice League: Warworld

  • Passages

Pinned reviews

  • Past Lives

    Past Lives


    At times I feel crushed under the weight of all my unlived lives, my unchosen paths, my unmade choices. They visit me in dreams. Sometimes I wake in tears, not wholly remembering, but feeling one of my threads were cut by morning.
    I do what I can to tie them off - follow their lead in my mind, concluding they'd have lead me to unhappiness, or ended back in the same version of me that lives now.
    Then I see a movie called Past Lives, the threads are frayed, and I sit disheveled with loose threads in hand and tears streaming down my face.

  • The Wonder

    The Wonder


    Love requires some action, some intervention, at some point. Not just standing by.

    This movie deeply impacted me on first viewing, and only moreso on further viewings.
    Love cannot survive under rigid control, even wearing the face of religious devotion. Love cannot survive under terminal generational trauma. Love rescues, especially the most vulnerable. To watch your child slowly die in the name of your values is to forsake love entirely.

    I have been the child, I have been her rescuer. I will aid and abet anyone who seeks to burn down the house that haunts them in favor of a future they can survive.

Recent reviews

  • Dallas Buyers Club

    Dallas Buyers Club

    It hurts me to say, but Jared Leto is my favorite part of this.

  • Justice League: Warworld

    Justice League: Warworld

    I wish each of the genre alternate realities were their own movie

Popular reviews

  • The Sandlot 2

    The Sandlot 2


    Is this bad? Absolutely. Did I watch it every day one summer and subsequently base my hair and style after Haley? Absolutely.

  • For You (Short Film)

    For You (Short Film)


    "Bye bye, car."
    I am dying to see Barry in a feature length role like this. He is incredibly naturalistic in the role of caring boyfriend, and he does it with an ease so ingenuous, it's like breathing. I hope a director sees this and presents the opportunity. Really lovely short film.

    End note- my God, if I wasn't already head over heels in love with this guy, I'd be on the floor. I realized this was the first time…