Major fan service not scary more a thriller than horror.
Best part was the diner scene.
Josh Hutcherson is sexy as fuck and he did amazing in his role never disappoints.
Still 5 stars cuz I'm a nerd
Major fan service not scary more a thriller than horror.
Best part was the diner scene.
Josh Hutcherson is sexy as fuck and he did amazing in his role never disappoints.
Still 5 stars cuz I'm a nerd
SCOOOTTT! This is an awsome movie.cant wait to watch matpats video on it.
5 stars cuz I'm a nerd
really good I enjoyed the movie found the last 35mins kinda rushed through, but still really liked it. Lady gaga was amazing, her acting doesn't disappoint and ❤️❤️😍💗😝💕😍Adam Driver looked fine as hell.