
melsingh Pro

the cat’s the one writing all the reviews, we watch every film together

Favorite films

  • Sunset Boulevard
  • What Ever Happened to Baby Jane?
  • High and Low
  • Taxi Driver

Recent activity

  • Kneecap


  • Singles

  • One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest


  • Sunset Boulevard


Recent reviews

  • Kneecap



    Fun movie and also gave me a newfound respect for the Irish struggle against the filthy brits. Listen to kneecap instead of that shitty counter-revolutionary cranberries song!

  • Singles


    girl really got picked up by the most square guy at the alice in chains show and they left during one of their best songs ?!?

Popular reviews

  • One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

    One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest


    Interesting to rewatch this after almost 20 years and after spending a few years working in the psychiatric system. The book and film pose a lot of questions that continue to be relevant and the acting performances are outstanding. Nurse Rached is a perfect depiction of how white women in these coercive systems function - she’s posed as inherently more moral and virtuous than her white male counterparts, but she’s also obsessed with power and control over the patients and…

  • Sunset Boulevard

    Sunset Boulevard


    What can I say about this film that hasn’t been said. It instantly became one of my favourite movies and Gloria Swanson gives an all-time performance. The haunting atmosphere of the film has stuck with me for weeks and the psychology of Norma’s assorted kept men is fascinating. It serves as an apt metaphor for how for all of hollywood’s endless misogyny and chauvinism women’s labour is truly what the industry (and all industries tbh) is dependent upon.

    There are…
