

Favourite works of fiction also include Monster, Pluto, and Better Call Saul

Favorite films

  • 2001: A Space Odyssey
  • 1917

Recent activity

  • Unlucky Plaza

  • Heretic

  • Tiong Bahru Social Club

  • Singapore Dreaming

Recent reviews

  • Heretic


    several mild reviews on here that fail to explain their actual critiques of this film. "it doesn't take a concrete stance" god forbid we don't subscribe ourselves to binary modes of thought. as much as I find one-liner witty letterboxd reviews funny sometimes, letterboxd needs to implement a filter so I can find reviews with a minimum wordcount.

    I really loved it, though I was partially hoping at one point that there truly was going to be no concrete threat.…

  • Unlucky Plaza

    Unlucky Plaza

    "WHY DO YOU HAVE A GUN??? THIS IS SINGAPORE-" had me audibly laughing multiple times ngl

    another highlight after Onassis asked his son why he carries a toy gun around:

    "all the kids in the US bring guns to school."

    "only the psycho ones- besides, this is not the US, this is Singapore. exams kill students here, not guns"

    acting got a lot better as the film progressed (or maybe I got used to bad line delivery), but it did worry me at the beginning. the kid was probably the best actor, the pastor was pretty good too.

Popular reviews

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    From its very first shot of celluloid, Bergman's Persona is a film fascinated with self-awareness. As the characters grapple with the contradictory aspects of their identity, the film prompts the audience to engage in a similar act of introspection. The process of engaging with art is a two-way reflection; we observe art, but art is equally an observation of ourselves. 

    Indeed, the dynamic between the two lead characters calls attention to the relation between art and audience, Alma representing the audience and…

  • Past Lives

    Past Lives


    Had high hopes for this one, but unfortunately the film couldn’t persuade me of the bond between the lead characters. Perhaps featuring more scenes from the past could’ve alleviated this issue, or maybe it’s a flaw rooted in the overall writing. The characters felt underdeveloped, so the occasional tumblr-post-worthy lines failed to tug at my heartstrings. Does the film ask intriguing questions? Yes. Is it going to make the audience ruminate about their middle school crush? The what-ifs? For sure.…
