Matt Emanuel

Matt Emanuel Patron

“Use The Force, Harry!” - Gandalf 
(X-Men Origins: Spock)

Only ranking feature-length, theatrical-cinema films.

Favorite films

  • There Will Be Blood
  • The Truman Show
  • The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
  • Big Fish

Recent activity

  • A Monster Calls


  • Autopsy


  • Distant


  • The Man from the Future


Recent reviews

  • Autopsy



    This was one of the first gore type horror movies I recall ever watching in its entirety. Its staying power with me over all this time is the reason it gets even close to the 4/10 it gets. Otherwise it’s grade D garbage. The “tree of life scene” is the memorable part I refer to. Truly a gruesome sight to behold.

  • White Noise

    White Noise


    An obnoxious satire that misses the mark and is just as pretentious as it tries not to be. Unfortunately, it fails to be watchable in any way that isn’t just observing the pretty colors and hearing the nonsensical dialog. The movie is purposely obtuse to the extent that as much as I “get it”, it comes across as simply annoying. The following score only gets that high because I can understand the attempt at what they were trying to do.…

Popular reviews

  • Requiem for a Dream

    Requiem for a Dream


    I beautifully heartbreaking film, an important message and story, and a masterpiece of acting, filmography, and legendary soundtrack. I concur with any analysis that ranks this the most depressing movie of all time. I don’t think it’s the saddest, or most traumatic, but it truly is the pain of solitude exuded and displayed both internally and externally from each character, and how palpable it’s portrayed through so much more than just addiction, that makes it so amazingly upsetting. The feeling…

  • In Bruges

    In Bruges


    Frankly, a top 100 movie of those I’ve seen in my opinion. I would say mostly due to the scripting, specifically how it utilizes clever humor and and even more clever depth utilizing hidden meaning (on top of the obvious Christian moral quandaries) and masterful character building. This film has what all classics have - extraordinary multidimensional story building, superb acting backed by sympathetic characters, and an unbeatable wit in its dialog. Regardless of how you see the end, the story wraps up beautifully, with arcs that actually come full circle, a rarity in movies with so much profundity. A true and relevant comedy drama. 8.3/10

