meow meow

meow meow

I'm a cat that feeds on bad films and vomits out a half star review.

Favorite films

  • Memories of Murder
  • The Lunchbox
  • Life of Pi
  • Soul

Recent activity

  • Perfect Days


  • Longlegs


  • A Quiet Place: Day One


  • Joko Anwar's Nightmares and Daydreams


Recent reviews

  • Perfect Days

    Perfect Days


    find a glimpse of meaning in little things and you can be bigger than life.

  • Longlegs



    The suspense is sucking the living brain out of you,
    longlegs character are amazingly freakish, not like the stereotype serial killer.
    The only part that's out of place is the magic and horror, it was build up as a suspense thriller but the climax are magical and horror, it's weird.
    The indigo element are just there without explanation and it is all set up without payment.
    But goddamn the visuals are freakishly unsettling. Even the panning, zoom out or a…

Popular reviews

  • Kukira Kau Rumah

    Kukira Kau Rumah


    kukira film oke

    ternyata sama sekali nggak paham ini film mau ngomongin apa selain emang mau sedih-sedihan doang. Semua orang dikasih adegan nangis, setiap ganti scene ada lagu romantis.

    Gue akan breakdown dikit setiap sectionnya.

    dari tema besarnya, Isu mental healthnya sama sekali nggak dipakai untuk apapun selain menunjukkan minus2nya aja. dan bahkan representasinya sangat stereotipikal, and spoiler alert, semua orang dengan mental health akan self harm sampai suicide. meskipun memang nggak mengelabui kenyataan, tapi reason dia sampai di tahap…

  • Photocopier



    Got to be one of the scariest film I have ever watched.
    A breakthrough in almost every aspects for Indonesian film.

    Wregas brings us a story about the terror felt by victims of sexual assaults by people around us. Mixing it up with theatrical and surreal performances that spooks me until now.

    Changes a pivotal perspective about how scary it actually is to be living around those psychopaths, and how we have to act now to support the victims and…
