Not as good as the previous ones
still had its moments
I think the most important thing about the kung fu panda series is that it reaches the balance between entertainment for kids and phylosophical ideals for adults at the same time in an admirable way
So so strong story telling and emotional.especially on that "finding inner peace" scene
Battle scenes were much better and using the red light as the general theme of the movie was an excellent choice.
Lord shen also was one of the best villains i've ever seen in an animation movie.gary oldman put on a great job as well
Well done dreamworks
-Balanced rhythm.
-very good choice of actors And actors themselves put on a great job.especially RDJ
-We don't see too much complication about what happens...and it's a good thing compared to what we saw in TENET.
-As always,music is a powerful element for always know that the quality will be there
-3 hours was enough.nore less or more
-And finally,the last dialogue of the movie... magnificent!beautiful and sad at the same time...