

Favorite films

  • Zodiac
  • The Ring
  • 1408
  • Inception

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  • Curse of Chucky


Recent reviews

  • Lucky Penny

    Lucky Penny


    Incredible, Emotional and Mckenna Grace is an amazing actor. She's super talented and amazing actor

  • Phineas and Ferb The Movie: Across the 2nd Dimension

    Phineas and Ferb The Movie: Across the 2nd Dimension


    Honestly the ending scenes completely reminded me of The Avengers.
    Then I realized this movie Phineas and Ferb the Movie: Across the 2nd Dimension released in 2011 and The Avengers released in 2012
    For real, The Avengers inspired ending scene from this movie Phineas and Ferb the Movie: Across the 2nd Dimension
    Anyway,I really enjoyed watching thus movie
    This movie is really Masterpiece and Amazing 👏

Popular reviews

  • Better Off Dead...

    Better Off Dead...


    Loved the film. Kinda fun and charming to watch. John Cusack and Diane Franklin are stars of this movie. Funny,love and simple fun love story to watch. I once heard somewhere that John Cusack saying that he regret his acting in this movie, but to me his acting is the main potential to this film.I really loved both John Cusack and Diane Franklin acting so much.
    I mean I'm not saying it's beyond Awesome movie,but it's okay to watch one time ,cuz it's fun and love 💕😊.

  • 2012



    I watched this movie I was little kid in IMAX theatre,you believe it or not, it's my first theatrical film,being as a kid watching in IMAX literally traumatized me so much, because the way the world ending, especially watching in 2011 special screening in our country, literally frightened me to death,I was sad,but I liked it so much.
    Now re-watching it today made me so emotional & got to realize the true feelings. No doubt 2012 movie is an Epic film…