Dan Colton

Dan Colton

Entirely accurate profile

Favorite films

  • Memories of Murder
  • The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
  • The Thing
  • Good Will Hunting

Recent activity

  • Mickey 17


  • Total Recall


  • A Kiss Before Dying


  • Okja


Recent reviews

  • Mickey 17

    Mickey 17


    Yeah not bong at his best.

    First half really felt slow tbh.

    Mark ruffalo is funny asf in this icl.

    Great slow mo zoom in the mickey assassination bit.

    Unfortunately probs the worst Joon-ho movie still does the job tho.

  • Total Recall

    Total Recall


    Yeah top film.

    Swear this has got basically half of popular sci-fi in it, the plots a mix of Inception and Star Wars aswell as the Severance procedure, Mutants with powers wanting freedom and special effects that rival The Thing. Fuckin hell there’s even a red pill that wakes you up to reality.

    The one liners in this are cold tbf.

    This is 10x more brutal than I expected.

    Sharon Stone gives a standout performance.

    This film looks fuckin class aswell probably cos it’s one of the last films to use miniatures and one of the first to use decent cgi.

Popular reviews

  • Okja



    Yeah decent enough.

    Opening presentation isn’t Steve jobs or Reggie Fils Aime coded enough for me considering the time period.

    There’s like 15 minutes in this where it’s boring af.

    Moaning Myrtle is in this.

    The kid does some super human shi.

  • Memento



    Yeah this is good probably a touch better than I remember.

    Why is this film so funny at points.

    The like 2 frames where it’s Leonard in the hospital instead of sammy is incredible.

    Sir Christopher Nolan fucking hates life.
