• One Sings, the Other Doesn't

    One Sings, the Other Doesn't


    a film that contains the entire world inside of it. we come to know these women so intimately over the span of years that it feels like we’ve spent a whole lifetime with them. such a rich, beautiful, fully realized portrait of womanhood and friendship. happy international women’s day 💕

  • Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence

    Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence


    “i wish i could sing.” 

    god ryuichi sakamoto.

  • Oh, Canada

    Oh, Canada


    if you’re not all in on Late Paul i’m not quite sure if you’ll get much out of this, but as an acolyte, i loved this and found it very affecting. a hazy, contemplative, formally inventive rumination on memory and regret. clearly a deeply personal project for Paul in ways that i think are quite rewarding. great soundtrack too. happy to finally get around to this.

  • Between the Lines

    Between the Lines


    the fact that Joan Micklin Silver didn’t have a bigger career is a genuine crime. this is such a made-for-me movie and it’s crazy that i hadn’t even heard of it until a couple weeks ago. a hangout workplace comedy set at a Boston newspaper in the ‘70s with Jeff Goldblum and Bruno Kirby and John Heard?? nobody told me about this?? anyway this is so good. instantly fell in love with the camaraderie between these reporters. so funny and shaggy and wonderful.

  • Kuroneko



    watched this while i was a little too tired but the fact i was drifting in and out of sleep only added to the experience. a ghostly, haunted masterwork.

  • Peggy Sue Got Married

    Peggy Sue Got Married


    “right now, you're just browsing through time. choose the things you'll be proud of. things that last.” 

  • Melvin and Howard

    Melvin and Howard


    loved this! i’m always amazed by the humanity and life in Demme’s films. such a warm, wonderful slice of Americana.

  • I'm Still Here

    I'm Still Here


    devastating movie. very very good, the cumulative effect of this is incredibly sobering and harrowing. Fernanda Torres is as astonishing as everyone’s been saying.

  • T Blockers

    T Blockers


    watching something like this from a filmmaker who’s my age and already has five whole movies under her belt is both insanely cool and also makes me feel incredibly lazy. what’s my excuse??? anyway Alice Maio Mackay is fucking awesome and this rules. trans filmmakers are the future!!

  • Flow



    just absolutely gorgeous and entrancing. i was DEEPLY emotionally invested in that cat. great movie!

  • Mickey 17

    Mickey 17


    very happy to report that this is yet another Bong hit. such a delightful time at the movies. hilarious and strange and consistently surprising. works as a goofy out-and-out comedy, a heady sci-fi blockbuster with ideas on its mind, an obvious but effective political satire, and a sweet and affecting romance. pretty rare these days to see a major studio movie as zany and inspired and go-for-broke as this. loved it and it only gets better the more i sit with it.

  • When Harry Met Sally...

    When Harry Met Sally...


    “i came here tonight because when you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible.”

    happy valentine’s day ❤️