I refuse to classify this as cinema.
That said, I did have to watch it for class.
I refuse to classify this as cinema.
That said, I did have to watch it for class.
Funny how a movie with the word “women” in the title is actually a pretty standard coming-of-age story about a whiny teenage boy.
Obviously, it was written and directed by a man who seems to be about as clueless about who his female characters are as his own protagonist.
As a $5,000 fan film, this has no right being this good.
I love being in the theater and just yelling out an actor’s name when I hear their voice even if their face hasn’t even appeared on screen yet.
Will surely go down as one of Marty’s greatest.
A masterpiece and an instant classic, no hesitation.
P.S. Idk what Jack White is doing in this movie but I’m not complaining.