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- mubi 37
- halloweenie 2020 26
- netflix 22
- halloweenie 2021 21
- prime 18
- halloweenie 2023 17
- with pep 🫡 16
- cinema 15
- halloweenie 2024 15
- at work! 13
- shudder 12
- with aaron 🫡 12
- bfi player 9
- halloweenie 2022 9
- yes i am pre-gaming my pre-halloween horror marathon 9
- big disney prep 🌟 6
- disney+ 6
- much to think about 6
- shudder trial 6
- gyllenovember 3
- peps influence 3
- bday watch 2
- cast hot but at what cost? 2
- mubi trial 2
- 3 stars purely bc unfortunately...this was a thirst watch
- 5 stars for matt damons rug bc i like to use an identical one in sims 4
- 5 stars for the space pug
- and i will eat that up every time!
- bc my v first thought was how ahs hotel was obvs inspired by this film lol
- being bi is also a curse!
- best so far!
- cant tell whether itll be good yet but i do it for him
- characters doomed from the start? i eat it up!
- commit to one thing lol
- d&d watching this realising how boring they made euron greyjoy and how wild pilou couldve gone...
- did i like it? idk!
- difficult to keep up the momentum after that little montage
- disappointed!
- do people rewatch this
- does anyone make the colour blue look as nice as mr mann i think not
- double cheeked up in gotham city
- down atrociously
- fellas u ever hate ur wife so much she turns into a giant spider?
- finally
- fully condemn the us govt beyond one token secret evil man challenge!
- gangster movies are always a bit gay there i said it!!
- glad this is on lb so i can pretend im not behind on my halloween watches
- going all in and giving it 5 stars this time bc why lie it slaps!!!
- i love films that make me feel better about teenage me
- i need to rewatch hill house but i think i just prefer it to bly manor
- i paid real earth money for this
- i think i need a 2nd watch
- i trust jodie and her sledgehammer with my life
- i wish we watched this in a level re for religion and film but she didnt have the range :(
- i wont!
- idk how to rate it but i doubt i'll ever watch it again thank u!
- idk how to rate this!!
- idk why i didnt give this 5 stars off the bat but here we go :)
- if corona has u feeling lonely this is the wrong film choice!
- if i rewatch the whole series will it fry my brain yes or no
- im giving it 5 stars and i should be allowed to do that!
- imagine being turned into a vampire and being that depressed...could never be me!
- iplayer
- is now being extended into
- it is
- it was fine!
- kirsty saving the day once again lov u queen
- laurie holden i miss u so much...time to find andreas best moments on yt :)
- like ok..?
- like yes gf goals lets join a union together
- literally just dont steal lol?
- maybe men should stop making horror!
- more films should reference gone girl by name!
- much to think about!
- next film will be my choice i cant live like this
- no more emotions for the rest of october time to get back to watching trash!
- not my choice :)
- not that i can remember renting videos but it's the concept....the principle
- not to sound like a weirdo homophobe but these films really did turn me bi
- other than the night club murders what does pinhead do successfully...
- sadly even as a child i knew i was always a sally
- sag season
- screaming a white man no like schmidt when the rich people appeared bc of course
- sebastian stan i do not trust u
- second attempt at watching this!
- so fucking boring
- something about characters predestined to die accepting their fate just hits different 2 me
- terrified of what seeing sam and bucky again will do to my tiny fragile mind
- the way i almost watched a film for seb then put this on instead and saw him not saying it's a sign but
- these are so bad but my curse now is to finish the series
- thinking....nay i shant say
- this must be how greta and jocelin felt when they ate their pizzas
- very proud that i stuck to my morals of only thirsting after pre-2000 pacino
- very sad he lost his fingies :(
- who was hotter than him in 1972 be honest
- who wouldnt want to die in a murder-suicide with depressed blind al pacino
- why's it soooooo fucking long
- will have to rewatch when im less vulnerable to existential crises
- wish i could live on a ranch with cowgirl sarah paulson now
- women hot etc
- wow a whole paragraph review!! who do i think i am
- ❤️❤️