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★★★★★ perfect★★★★½ outstanding★★★★ really good ★★★½ good★★★ okay★★½ mediocre★★ weak★½ bad ★ really bad½ garbage
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★★★½ Rewatched 11 Mar 2023
Warum ist Christian Bale so ein unfassbar guter Schauspieler…
★★★★½ Rewatched 03 Mar 2023
Immer wieder Kloß im Hals…
★★★★ Watched 16 Jun 2019
After all, this thing we call Samurai honor is ultimately nothing but a facade.
★★★½ Watched 24 May 2019 2
I don‘t understand what‘s going on. Oh look, a twist. Oh, another twist? I still don‘t get what‘s going on. Oh, the twist gets a twist! The end.