Spielberg is incapable of making something that is anything less than watchable, but there is so much wrong and ill conceived here.
Holly Hunter is good in a very Holly Hunter role, but everyone else is either misused or miscast.
“Feels like a glorified episode of the show” can either be the faintest of praise or the highest compliment for any Trek movie.
There are a lot of fun or interesting ideas in this, but feels like they couldn’t decide which to focus on so threw everything in and it just feels undercooked.
And somehow, for all the options they give themselves there are large portions of this where very little is happening.
An early Spielberg blind spot.
I knew the basic premise, woman trying to get her child back after it’s taken into care.
But had no idea that it was a Thelma and Louise style story of bad decisions spiralling out of control.
It just about manages to balance the tones between the slapstick of the car chases and shootouts and the relative realism of the final moments.
(Couldn’t help but think of The Fabelmans as those two Louisiana patrol cars headed towards the sunset on that interesting horizon at the bottom of the screen)
Not a film that requires a second viewing for it to work.
However, it works so much better when you know the vibe it’s running on right from the off.