

I like films that continue to spin your head in all sorts of different directions after you’ve seen them.

Favorite films

  • Fight Club
  • 12 Angry Men
  • Nocturnal Animals
  • Once Upon a Time... in Hollywood

Recent activity

  • Dogs


  • Weddings, christenings and funerals


  • The Menu


  • Căsătoria


Recent reviews

  • Dogs



    mf thinks he can do a western in romania lol

  • Weddings, christenings and funerals

    Weddings, christenings and funerals


    Can one say that Șerban Pavlu really starred in a movie/ TV series, if there isn't at least one scene in which he stares blankly for at least 10 seconds? Good performance by Brad Pitt.

Popular reviews

  • Dune: Part Two

    Dune: Part Two


    The expectations after the first Dune were incredibly high, almost colossal. I wasn't familiar with the books at all, and the film completely blew me away. It was fabulous, leaving me with huge expectations for the sequel.

    Dune: Part Two had an extraordinary cast and superb cinematography. But unfortunately, that's where my praises end. Dune: Part Two was by no means a bad or weak film; it remains a good movie. However, my elevated expectations created a peak that was…

  • Căsătoria



    Mult lăudatul geniu creativ al lui Bendeac a dat naștere unui film care, în cel mai bun caz, poate fi considerat mediocru de cei îngăduitori. Păcat, pentru că din punct de vedere vizual, producția este la un standard rar întâlnit în cinematografia românească. Influența teatrală este evidentă în mai multe aspecte, dar toate calitățile filmului, puține câte sunt, sunt umbrite de un amalgam de glume reciclate din pop culture-ul românesc. Se confirmă încă o dată că Bendeac nu reușește să…
