

in love with cinema since i was little 
(Check my bf acc: vincentgbl)

Favorite films

  • Before Sunrise
  • Past Lives
  • The Worst Person in the World
  • I'm Still Here

Recent activity

  • The Clown


  • Little Miss Sunshine


  • The Monkey

  • Her


Recent reviews

  • The Clown

    The Clown


    que filme lindo mano
    Uma verdadeira obra de arte 

    Tem filmes que tocam a gente de maneiras que não dá para explicar, e esse filme foi assim para mim. É de uma melancolia misturada com leveza, te comove e te faz refletir. Quem nunca esteve (ou está) no mesmo lugar que Benjamin? Na busca por esse “quê”, por essa peça faltante do quebra-cabeça chamado “eu”, que nos deixa tão perdidos e confusos sobre quem somos e qual o nosso sentido…

  • Little Miss Sunshine

    Little Miss Sunshine


    It's like a comforting film
    It conveys the message that no matter what, having a loving family around makes everything better
    The love of this family that this film showed to me is not the idealized kind, each character has their own particularities, their own internal problems that affect the family, but they still come together to take the youngest to the little miss sunshine
    The scene where everyone goes up on stage it’s really cute. Regardless of the audience's…

Popular reviews

  • Her



    Great movie!! Maybe the whole creation of the movie was a trip, one of those crazy ones, but even so, there is a noticeable social criticism, several tbh
    As a movie lover I dare say that everything in ‘Her’ is beautiful. The filming, the scenes, the colors, the interactions between characters, the protagonist's way of being, the acting omg everything.
    I could notice how Theodore fell in love with himself, but with his improved version: love transforms people, exponentiates, generates…

  • Anora



    Great acting, direction and photography, but terrible script.
    Anora definitely did not deserve the Oscar, the film itself is a pure male fantasy
    Anora is the “green book” for women. Just like Anora, Green Book won an Oscar that was not deserved, a film about racism written and directed by white people for white people just so they could feel progressive
    Anora is a film with a prostitution topic written by men
    The film is not intelligent, it is not…
