When abition and the desire to win is everything. Felt there was a bit too much slow motion sweating and staring during the actual game climaxes to make i really exciting.
The soundtrack is bangers tho.
When abition and the desire to win is everything. Felt there was a bit too much slow motion sweating and staring during the actual game climaxes to make i really exciting.
The soundtrack is bangers tho.
Has some good underlying points. Everybody should eat less meat and have a healthy balanced diet based largely on plants. Its good for you and the environment!
Too bad it has to make its point by playing to the male ego with unscientific erection tests, fighters, bodybuilders and strongmen (that we all know use other types of "supplements" to gain muscle mass), and stupid athletes that eat fried chicken or steak for every meal because they think that makes them…
Fikk med meg denne på verdenspremieren under Kosmorama. Vakker og poetisk fremstilling av Runar Gudnason forhold til rap og hvordan han kom inn i den verbale kunsten. Det var flere personlige sekvenser i filmen som var veldig fine og det var interessant å få et innblikk i den danske rap scenen hvor Runar hentet sin inspirasjon. Jeg skulle ønske vi fikk høre litt mer av de ferdige låtene til de danske rapperne i filmen. Gleder meg til soundtracket kommer ut!