body language, score, tennis imagery = 10/10
ending = -10
felt like i was getting edged the whole time and then got dumped at the peak but fantastic film otherwise
body language, score, tennis imagery = 10/10
ending = -10
felt like i was getting edged the whole time and then got dumped at the peak but fantastic film otherwise
found out chad michael murray was 22 and hilary was 15 so a bit weird on the rewatch, iconic outfits and lines tho and a classic
timothee looks like a skinny twink and this is from an era where everything was drenched in sunlight. if i could’ve been a skinny white girl in the 90’s of midwest summer next to a beach i would’ve been unstoppable. weed was everywhere and so cheap. hunter strawberry is only hot when he’s moving but his biceps - munch