"Don't look Marion, keep your eyes shut."
When the chips are down, the skeptical grave robbing man of the world is humbled by the power in front of him, deathly afraid of losing the person he loves.
"Don't look Marion, keep your eyes shut."
When the chips are down, the skeptical grave robbing man of the world is humbled by the power in front of him, deathly afraid of losing the person he loves.
Notionally about a 25 year old woman corrupting a 15 year old boy, but actually about some young people trying to hold on to something good in a world full of corrupt adults who are out to dinner and out of their minds.
Five stars for the music and the abbreviated Live Aid recreation. Four stars for the performances.
Negative stars for chopping up the timeline to make a villain out of Freddie, and for misrepresenting his sexuality and his relationships. For gaslighting the fans to get a PG-13 rating.
I was looking forward to repeat viewings, but no more. I’ll watch the real Live Aid performance again instead: youtu.be/A22oy8dFjqc
"I'm shocked, shocked to find that gambling is going on in here!"
"Your winnings, sir."
"Oh, thank you very much."