Film Lover • Movie Maker
DGA Member
B / B-
C+ / C
This was disappointing for me, and not what I (and probably most people) was expecting.
It had some disturbing elements, but this is NOT a scary movie by any means.
Sure, it was unique and had some interesting cinematography, but I actually found the camerawork (ghost POV) quite distracting.
I can appreciate the long shots, and oner scenes… they were impressive. And bravo to Soderbergh for always willing to experiment. But there were a few unexplained storylines. And the ending just left me hanging, feeling pretty unsatisfied.
One of the best opening Oners I’ve seen in a long time.
Followed by, the longest dinner scene ever.
Sometimes hard to follow, but a good steady underlining tone of suspense and mystery. And Soderbergh really shot the hell out of this film.
Some scenes got a little drawn out and slow for me. But overall, one of the better movies of the year so far.
This film remains my all-time favorite movie, and tonight I got to watch it on the big screen in a theater for the first time. Such a fun experience!
I can’t explain the joy, and appreciation I have everytime I watch this movie. There’s so many little details, it’s just a masterclass of filmmaking by PTA, and a brilliant performance by Sandler.
Just watched this movie again, probably for the 6th or 7th time, and it still holds a spot in my top 5 of all time.
Every framed shot and camera move is interesting. The comedic beats are still funny. The music score still gives me chills.
I just wish they wouldn’t have wasted all that great food at the dinner table!