Michael Gargano

Michael Gargano Patron

Favorite films

  • Time Piece
  • La La Land
  • 12 Angry Men
  • Star Wars

Recent activity

  • Muppets from Space


  • Jurassic World


  • Novocaine


  • Jurassic Park III


Pinned reviews

  • Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

    Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs


    Welcome to Mouse Quest 2025

    My first film of the year is starting my new conquest for the year. I was never a huge Disney kid growing up, and while I’ve absorbed a lot of these by cultural osmosis, I figured it would be a great time to go through Disney’s catalog of animated films. With how far the company has fallen, how they used to be the bright spot for innovation and creativity and now are a symbol of…

  • Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life

    Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life


    On the one hand, I know logging a limited series will make some moots pop a blood vessel. But on the other hand, I have no one and no where else to vent about this. 

    I started watching Gilmore Girls during the pandemic and fell in love with it. Easily one of my favorite shows of all time and maybe my favorite. Great comedy, great characters, great ensemble. Bumps along the way, sure, but these were characters I really care…

Recent reviews

  • Muppets from Space

    Muppets from Space


    I gotta say, I was hoping for a little more muppets in space, but what can you expect from a movie called Muppets from Space

    As we end the original era of theatrical Muppet movies, I really appreciate the decision to go back to an original Muppet story. I love Christmas Carol and Treasure Island, but I love seeing my guys be my guys and not actors in another story. And it’s really nice to have Gonzo be the real…

  • Jurassic World

    Jurassic World


    You kinda realize all you need about this movie when it plays the main theme for the first time over the theme park, hotel rooms, and storefronts instead of, yknow, dinosaurs. But I’ll be damned if it’s not my number one dream to eat at the Jurassic World Margaritaville 

    This is the logical stepping stone for a Jurassic Park legacy sequel, and I do think this one asks more interesting questions than the previous sequels, but there’s just something off for…

Popular reviews

  • The Forge

    The Forge

    Based on the way it was shot and the way the audience reacted, I think there was an Endgame-style portal scene in this and that’s kind of fucking hilarious

    The longest movie ever made! I checked my watch as i felt like we were getting to the climax and there was an hour left! Shot like a car commercial, had no real characters. I’m pretty sure there was a cgi Charleston skyline at one point. A whole hour of this film…

  • Master & Apprentice: A Special Look at Ahsoka

    Master & Apprentice: A Special Look at Ahsoka


    Fuck me for making this my 250th watch of the year. 

    I’m so tired of these Disney+ “documentaries” just being the creatives going “Star Wars is important” and “George created an amazing world” and “we have to honor his work for the fans” just shut up. Andor is still the only show to truly do something new with Star Wars and none of you were on that team. Also why was this not released 3 weeks ago before Ahsoka came out