

Favorite films

  • Empire Records
  • Desert Hearts
  • Earth Girls Are Easy
  • Dream Scenario

Recent activity

  • Jade Mintjens: Bedankt om te Komen


  • Empire Records


  • Thomas Smith: Will set you free


  • Desert Hearts


Recent reviews

  • Jade Mintjens: Bedankt om te Komen

    Jade Mintjens: Bedankt om te Komen


    I'm someone from Belgium that write his reviews in English even for dutch comedy shows or dutch films so here I go:

    Well this quite a fun expirience with my family. It was also the first time my brother went to a comedy show. I said he quite liked but he was also very tired. I really liked it though. I remember watching a show from Jade on Belgium streaming platform Streamz. That one I also saw with my mom.…

  • Perfect Blue

    Perfect Blue


    My first idea was to watch David Lynch's Muholland Drive but because of the coffee I made I did not go to my room and stayed in the kitchen. So I watched this. My second anime movie from this weekend.
    Sunday has been the day I mostly watch movies from directors I already really like. Lke John Hughes or David Lynch. Muholland Drive is for next week I guess.

Popular reviews

  • Companion



    I want to thank Sophie Tatcher for curing my headache

  • Empire Records

    Empire Records


    First watching this on my phone and I also took some screenshots. I know I mostly watch this film once a month. But not this time.
    I will forever love this movie!!!
    (I just realised that I've watched this movie 2 times a lot in the previous months) 😁