

Favorite films

  • Eyes Wide Shut
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  • 4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days

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  • Speak No Evil

  • Spring Breakers

  • First Reformed


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Recent reviews

  • Speak No Evil

    Speak No Evil

    Probably the most thrilling and uncomfortable film I've ever seen. A film about conformity, social norms, romantic relationships, some Biblical stuff, and I bunch more I likely didn't see. Terrifying and thought-provoking.

    I'm not saying it doesn't have flaws -- because it does -- but, God, damn.

    Great contrast.

  • Spring Breakers

    Spring Breakers

    I think it had some pacing issues, and I think the script could have been written differently at times -- but, all in all, I'd say Spring Breakers is a nice, over-the-top, visually bright and neon, but thematically dark and grim take on the modern youth, and, overall, a critique of the party hard-y mentality that tends to overtake young Americans. It somewhat disguises itself as just reckless fun, yet turns out to be decaying and corrupting, much like this…

Popular reviews

  • Mulholland Drive

    Mulholland Drive


    I would be lying if I said I understood this film. I would also be lying if I said that this film wasn’t disappointing.

    Yes, it is mind boggling, yes, it has some cool scenes, yes, it is thought provoking, but I found it very forced and cliché.

    Also, whatever that monster thing-y was is terrifying. Like, seriously, that’s the stuff that nightmares are made of.

    @SydneyPoff, please don’t unfriend me for this one. 😐

    Edit: I think I’ll love this upon rewatch.

  • Climax



    As of writing this, not once have I used explicit language in a review. Tonight, I would like to stray away from that unspoken rule of mine.

    Holy shit.

    Hard to describe, really, but Noé appears to be a God among men. This man is so intriguing, and, so far, his work is so gripping. Climax proves no different. You’ve probably all seen those “Requiem For A Dream made me cry for 5 hours” reviews, but, in my opinion, this captures the…
