Guide to My Ratings:
★★★★★: Good
★: Bad
I don’t care that Ruffalo was supposed to be Trump?, I just care that he did an awful job.
Took me like halfway through the movie for me to realize why he was talking like that. Then he also was going in and out of it throughout, just a horrid performance by him. Good thing Pattinson goated and saved it
Works as a fun apocalyptic romance or something along those lines but whatever commentary they were getting at was pretty unclear and all over the place
This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
My first scream movie. I really enjoyed every kill scene, they were all awesome and made the movie for me. Pretty funny at times when it needed to be
Also made fun of letterboxd users, so that was good.
Finally: cancel me if you want but… why does Monica Geller look like that? Her surgeon should be in jail
B A B Y, Baby
Watched this on my flight to Italy. After landing, I rented a car and drove it to an island off the coast. 90% of the roads on there are windy and tiny, but the speed limit was 70 kmh (43mph) which means I was flying around these streets while blasting Bell Bottoms and pretending I’m running from the cops
Totally cool movie, I really enjoyed baby and Jamie Fox’s characters.