

I don’t know anything about films but I’m trying

Favorite films

  • The Handmaiden
  • But I'm a Cheerleader
  • Funeral Parade of Roses
  • Titane

Recent activity

  • La mal'ombra

  • The Wind Blows Round

  • City of Joy

  • The Four Times

Recent reviews

  • Wicked



    Metto da parte il mio cinismo e il mio odio per tutto ciò che è mainstream e ammetto che questo film fa quello che fa molto bene. Se proprio Hollywood vuole continuare a campare di storie derivative e non originali, almeno datemi più adattamenti di questo tipo e meno live action brutti della Disney.

    (Però dobbiamo insegnare per bene al pubblico italiano cosa sono i sing-along perché pur essendo andata a vedere la versione karaoke non ho potuto cantare visto che la gente in sala chiaramente non era consapevole di che versione stava per guardare)

  • Bound



    è la piccola violet che c’è in me a dare 5 stelline a questo film

Popular reviews

  • Hetero


    the theatre was full of not-so-young people who I’m pretty sure didn’t get half the references, sucks to be them… this is one of the most accurate and genuine representations of young queer folks I’ve seen on screen, really enjoyed it (@ Quinn I have a massive crush on you) ((also, since it was being shown during an Italian queer film festival, there were Italian subtitles on but they kept misgendering some of the characters, I’ll definitely try to see if I can write a complaint because it was infuriating on so many levels))

  • Water Lilies

    Water Lilies


    This film probably broke my heart 50 times.
    Sciamma’s narrative style is subtle and usually simple, still it manages to represent these girls and their relationships in the truest and most human way.
    There are many moments that despite looking meaningless would be important to a young girl and I think the film highlights this pretty well. The little gestures between Marie and Floriane may seem little from an external point of view, yet they are strikingly profound to Marie. …