i feel like a tiny baby rabbit when i see this film. it truly has a fundational place in my heart. they are all so cutie-patooie!!!! agggggg
~con silvia
i feel like a tiny baby rabbit when i see this film. it truly has a fundational place in my heart. they are all so cutie-patooie!!!! agggggg
~con silvia
my father saw this was about a kinda rude vegan eldest daughter and her token gay dude and was seriously having too much fun making me watch this
La dignidad no es algo abstracto. La dignidad es la lucha por el agua, la lucha por la luz, la lucha por Correos, la lucha por la sanidad y la educación públicas. Eso es la dignidad.
lo que me gusta a mí una buena revuelta obrera, una manifestación ciudadana, claro que sí, coño
~con papá
im just a girl who recently watched the sesbian lex scene of arcane s2 so…………what else did you expect me to do?😭