Michael Black

Michael Black

Just a regular guy who loves movies.

Favorite films

  • The Dark Knight
  • The Empire Strikes Back
  • Lawrence of Arabia
  • Zodiac

Recent activity

  • Mad Max: Fury Road


  • The Avengers


  • Captain America: The Winter Soldier


  • Guardians of the Galaxy


Recent reviews

  • Mad Max: Fury Road

    Mad Max: Fury Road


    Ok, let’s be clear: This isn’t The Dark Knight. Or No Country For Old Men. Or Goodfellas. Or There Will Be Blood. Or even Django Unchained. What George Miller has given us here is an apocalyptic orgy of fire and mayhem made with admirable craft and gusto - it’s the John Wick of the vehicular warfare sub-genre. You want more (deep characterization, backstory, great dialogue), this is not the movie for you. Like a monster truck rally version of a…

  • The Avengers

    The Avengers


    Confession: When I first watched this movie I kind of liked it. Sure, it isn’t my comic book movie ideal –it is stupid, cheesy, and looks woefully televisual, but I enjoyed it as a theatrical experience with a big crowd. Nowadays, I have trouble sitting through the damn thing. I love superheroes movies, sometimes I even read comics, but I don’t consider myself a true comic book fanboy. The Avengers feels like a movie that definitely wasn’t made for me.…

Popular reviews

  • Avengers: Age of Ultron

    Avengers: Age of Ultron


    Dull, tired, and thoroughly uninvolving, Avengers: Age of Ultron is a bloated mess. We have reached a point where these Marvel movies have really gotten lazy. While the first Avengers movie was pretty stupid, it at least had a novelty that made it fun to watch. Joss Whedon is a televisual hack and cannot direct a film to save his life. This movie is lifeless. The cinematography is murky. The one-liners are extra corny and flat here. Black Widow is…

  • Guardians of the Galaxy

    Guardians of the Galaxy


    A charmer of a movie, Guardians of the Galaxy is a blast. Funny, well-paced, and with real heart, I haven’t seen a blockbuster in years filled with such pure, unadulterated joy. Unlike the pathetically overrated Joss Whedon, James Gunn understands how to make a silly movie with genuine emotion. This is a funny movie with some great, memorable lines. Chris Pratt is perfect as the lovable doofus who calls himself StarLord. Even more impressive, Vin Diesel is actually really good…
