

Favorite films

  • Face/Off

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  • Spaceballs

  • Jim & Andy: The Great Beyond

  • Man on the Moon

  • Harlem Nights

Recent reviews

  • Spaceballs


    i was up in the mountains and our furnace malfunctioned amd the fireplace hadnt worked for months, so i was without heat for the night.  Armed with a blanket and enough drugs for a party of 20, i rode out the night with Spaceballs and Monty Ptythons holy grail. 

    i always forget john candy is in this. seeing him pop up on my tv was such a delight.

    people will call this movie mid and then go watch Deadpool 4:…

  • Jim & Andy: The Great Beyond

    Jim & Andy: The Great Beyond

    love Bob Zmuda as the Devil on Jim Carey’s shoulder

Popular reviews

  • An Extremely Goofy Movie

    An Extremely Goofy Movie

    a certain film snob friend of mine panned this movie rather harshly and i felt it. necessry to challenge the contentions of his meager 2 1/2 star rating. 

    I was not suprised to see my aforementioned associate believes direct-to-dvd movies are below him, but i for one, as well as the other cultured members of our film watching circle, appreciate a movie that know what it is. we know humility.

    i like goofy. im not ashamed to admit my kinship…

  • Nope


    i wanted me a good ol fashioned alien caper and i got it, another knocker from mr peele. got the feeling this was more of a documentary than a movie at times tho (tin foil hat emojis should be a thing)

    P.S. this movie has one of my favorite actors of all time (Keith David) and i was very sad to see him last even less than i thought he would
