Can Robert Pattinson be nominated for best actor & best supporting actor for one movie?
I’m starting to think Bong Joon-Ho isn’t the biggest fan of Donald Trump
Also did I miss the part where they explained WHY that guy was dressed as a pigeon?
I absolutely love when animation stands alone from the “KiDs MoViE” category and this is exactly that.
The strength of this movie for me lies in the stunning central performance, the masculine urge to be a mysterious, nonchalant, chain-smoking tortured artist AND the expertly crafted motorcycle journey through Dylan’s catalogue that so well communicates the almost “written in the stars” nature of Dylan inevitably going electric!
This movie hit several key climaxes, supercharged by perfectly timed needle drops that gave me goosebumps - I bawled when he played the times they are a-changin
Himothee Chalamet is my goat and they better give him that damn award - keep chasing greatness king