Legit the trippiest and most bonkers film I’ve ever seen.
Watched so I can listen to this episode podcasts.apple.com/eg/podcast/mubi-podcast/id1569229544?i=1000674261016
Legit the trippiest and most bonkers film I’ve ever seen.
Watched so I can listen to this episode podcasts.apple.com/eg/podcast/mubi-podcast/id1569229544?i=1000674261016
Batty don eats a lot at a sea side guest-house and talks to himself. Has a couple of nightmares and one nocturnal encounter with a sheet.
Avant- grade masterpiece which had a clear influence on David Lynch.
It’s quite an accomplishment if you can sit and watch this 1975 Belgian film for 3 hours 20 minutes from start to finish, but it’s a must for cinephiles. I watched it this afternoon for the first time.
Came out at number 1 in last year’s Sight and Sound poll surveying critics’ and filmmakers’ top ten films.
“Chantal Akerman’s Jeanne Dielman, 23 quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles (1975) heads the 2022 list. No other film made by a woman has…