🐦 @mike_kouten
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I can’t keep up with my watchlist...
Now I’m pissed off! Tragic day in history. Solid acting across the board. This was a good addition to the catalogue of Munich ‘72 movies.
Just finished the extended version for the first time. My love of this movie will only grow. It’ll never diminish. Quite simply the best fantasy adventure film ever created.
Curse you all. I was bored the whole time... well I was kind of intrigued by the catfish scene, but even that didn’t really pull me in. It lives up to the poster as far as having a phenomenal palate for color, which in all fairness has to be partially attested to geographic luck. One cool idea was fictional beasts, the monkey ghosts, whom lurk about the throngs of a mystical Thai jungle as dark silhouettes led by beaming red eyes. Visually some cool moments. But other than that Uncle Boonmee is a big time snooze fest.