Bill Skarsgard is a chameleon. He is great at inhabiting these otherworldly characters. In fact, the only acting he actually does - is acting like a “normal” person walking around named Bill.
Lily Rose Turns it to 11, too.
Loved it. Ed Harris took the mullet to a new extreme. So weird in all the best ways. Kristen Stewart is the only person in the cast who has ever smoked a cig in real life tho
Conor McGregor smiles like a maniacal fool the entire time on screen, even when being dragged behind a boat. Was Liman too scared to give him notes? The world will never know. Jakey G can do no wrong. 👊🏻
Whole cast delivers. Denis world building is next level. Worm wranglin’ and blade slingin’ galore. Visually stunning. Austin Butler’s bald cap deserves a nom.