tom cruise enthusiast

tom cruise enthusiast Patron

Favorite films

  • Showgirls
  • Project X
  • Spring Breakers
  • The Florida Project

Recent activity

  • Shakes the Clown


  • The Incredibles


  • Interview with the Vampire


  • Brain Damage


Recent reviews

  • Shakes the Clown

    Shakes the Clown


    tom kenny is some fine shyt, not gonna lie.

  • Fight Club

    Fight Club


    oh, we're so sorry to hear about your brother that passed away, he gets 5 big booms. boom! boom! boom! boom! boooom!

Popular reviews

  • Waiting to Exhale

    Waiting to Exhale


    he's a good man, savannah. a good man!

  • Welcome to the Dollhouse

    Welcome to the Dollhouse


    7th grade is just a universal living hell, no matter the decade. i had a horrible time with being able to maintain friends starting from the 4th grade, and just feeling like a complete loner. your peers are either the bestest of your friends or spawns of satan himself. this movie is exactly why i maladaptive daydream about the world being all sunshine and rainbows. 

    this also doesn't help the fact that i was this 🤏🏽 close to being named dawn.
