Wouldst thou like to live deliciously?
Don’t make fun of my opinions or I will cry
#1 Ready or Not fan
“It’s my story.”
“Mine too.”
Stunning. This maybe the most visually stunning film I’ve ever seen. The costumes, the production design, the cinematography, the colours. All of it is on point, maybe even above that. Everything looks so grand and extravagant. I’ve never seen anything like it.
The rest of the movie is great too. I loved how it blended reality and fantasy. I felt very connected to the story being told, to the degree where I was bothered by…
"إلى الجنوبي المطارد بخبيئته.. سلاماً إليك يوم تموت و سلاماً إليك يوم تبعث حيا"
بقالي كتير أوي نفسي أتفرج على الفيلم ده. الناس بدأت تعيد اكتشافه مرة ثانية من بعد ما أتظلم في وقت عرضه. طبعاً مقدرش أقول عليه جوهره مدفونه، ولاكن الفيلم ده مفيش زيه اتنين في السينما المصرية
قصة قرية غاب عنها رجالها. الفيلم بيتناول تأثير الهجرة إلى خارج البلاد، على البلد الأم. دايما بنسمع عن المنظور الآخر، و كان من المثير للاهتمام رؤية قصة من الناحية دي.…
"May thy knife chip and shatter."
This is what I live for. This is why going to the cinema can never be replaced. It’s because movies like this exist. I genuinely cannot believe what I saw on the screen. A level of craft that is rare to see in the filmmaking industry. I have been thinking about this for a whole day now which is why it took me a while to actually find the words to…
“What's the matter? Lives flashing before your eyes?”
Who allowed this film to be as amazing as it is??? This was not supposed to happen…
I am really not a big fan of the first Puss In Boots, and when this got officially announced I did not care one bit. I didn’t check out any trailer or even know when it was gonna release. Suffice to say, I was wrong in my judgment. This movie was an absolute blast. It’s…