These entries are films I had little to or no prior knowledge of (entries have to be at least 5…
Films I mean to watch with Jade that I've already seen
Jade and I have already watched quite a few films together in the 9 months we've been going out but…
Favourite discoveries of 2024
Films that I haven't previously seen before this year that I've enjoyed! Titles have to be at least 3 years…
Favourite films of 2024 so far (UK release dates)
I've joined Odeon's membership program and fully intend to watch as many new releases as possible this year!
My favourite films of 2023
2023 was a great year for cinema! I'm gonna try to see more new releases in 2024!
Films I need to rewatch!
Just a bunch of films I've seen before but really want to see again.
My Top Korean Films
The first five are my top five but after that it's in no particular order.
Ranking Cronenberg
Ranking the films of celebrated director David Cronenberg. (I haven't seen all of his films yet but I'm rectifying that)
Personal Favourites
Not really in order but this is my top 50.
Gritty Britain
A list of gritty films from the UK