

I like films n stuff :)

Favorite films

  • When Marnie Was There
  • Clueless
  • Juno
  • Smiley Face

Recent activity

  • Raising Helen


  • Notting Hill


  • Fifty Shades of Grey

  • John Tucker Must Die


Recent reviews

  • Raising Helen

    Raising Helen


    Lowkey… how to lose your kids in 10 days???? I really liked this movie it made me sob at times and laugh at others 😭😭😭 truly beautiful. But I wish Helen  didn’t have to give up her passion 4 fashion for the kids :( also I was surprised when I recognized almost all the actors…. The sister from chutney popcorn??? Aidan from satc??? Lynette scavo from desperate housewives?? The main cheerleader from bring it on??? Damn they got everybodyyyyy!

  • Notting Hill

    Notting Hill


    This was sooo cute I wish British “people” were real ☹️☹️☹️ that being said this movie is PAINFULLY British so make sure u have a cuppa tea while u watch 🍵🍵🍵

Popular reviews

  • Kama Sutra: A Tale of Love

    Kama Sutra: A Tale of Love


    I feel like to truly understand this film, u need to have an anxious attachment style. Love feels the way it does for maya and jai to me; passionate and fleeting (tho i do not live in medieval india). This film had beautiful cinematography but i feel as though some of the traumatizing aspects (like  the rape) could have been left out and the film would have been just as good without it. I was very anxious towards the end…

  • Fifty Shades of Grey

    Fifty Shades of Grey

    Also Grey Enterprises??? More like GAY enterprises!!!!
    “Oh my god, Christian that’s a car” to WHAT IS OBVIOUSLY A CAR IN FRONT OF HER 😭😭😭😭
    Who wrote this movie!??? How does their mind work??? I just want to talk to them I swear
    I could not stop laughing the entire 2 hours of this movie like did someone actually seriously sit down and write this script???? Is this MEANT to be taken serious???
