I admit I don't really know much about Bob Dylan. Besides hearing songs of his in movies.
But I admit that I enjoyed the movies and the performances in it. Even if I felt it ran on a bit longer than I thought it should.
I admit I don't really know much about Bob Dylan. Besides hearing songs of his in movies.
But I admit that I enjoyed the movies and the performances in it. Even if I felt it ran on a bit longer than I thought it should.
If you weren't a fan od 2016's Suicide Squad. Which seems a lot aren't. I didn't mind it. But if you didn't like that you should like this. but that's again if you're a fan of James Gunn and his type of humor. if not. I don't know what to say. Lol.
As many have pointed out. Ratcatcher 2, Polka Dot Man and Bloodsport are the stand out.
But John Cena steals a lot of the scenes that he's in.…
I had heard so much about this film going in before i saw it. It was either you completely loved or thought it was utter trash.
Let me start by saying this. If anyone who's reading this and is interested in seeing the movie if you haven't yet. This movie contains mass amount of nudity, with plenty of graphic like sex scenes. Plus just about every character taking every drug imaginable. Along with the characters having some of the dirtiest…