
sam Pro

you notice things if you pay attention

Favorite films

  • Yi Yi
  • Oasis
  • In the Mood for Love
  • Missing Johnny

Recent activity

  • Nosferatu


  • Jeanne Dielman, 23, quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles


  • Missing Johnny


  • Mulholland Drive


Pinned reviews

  • Missing Johnny

    Missing Johnny


    Loneliness is a hell of a disease—invisible, pervasive, and soul-crushing. Nobody wants to be alone; we are social creatures, profoundly complex beings who long for connection. So are birds. And fish. Maybe raindrops that create ripples yearning to connect with one another?

    Missing Johnny is a minimalistic yet extraordinary portrait of individuals caught in different circumstances, all battling this affliction. Every character is lonely, isolated, or estranged—not due to malice or personal choice, but as if they’ve simply contracted it.…

  • Oasis



    I owe most, if not all, of my appreciation and love for cinema to Dr. Gilbert Yeoh — a senior lecturer at my university's English department who possesses a passion for cinema so fervent that in a stuffy lecture theatre, only he could get excited about the lost eight-hour cut (!) of 1924 silent psychological drama Greed. The motif of circles in Psycho. The unbearably long takes of an empty theatre hall in Goodbye, Dragon Inn

    “Great Cinema evokes emotion,…

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