I watch films, I also make em sometimes.
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Did not expect this to be this good at all. I was just doing some research on some films from the coastal regions of Karnataka and stumbled upon this. I had already heard about this before during the time when Rangitaranga came out, but I had never seen it. But once I started I just had to binge watch all 13 episodes of it and the thing that was running in my head throughout the watch was how could they…
It's been a year since we started our lil team/crew/collaboration, whatever you wanna call it. We worked on Surface Tension almost immediately once we discussed the script. We had no idea if we could pull it off with just two people behind the camera and two first time actors on screen. But we did, and it was the best first step we could've hoped for. After that it was time for an even bigger project, Venus: Try Flap but we…
Okay this movie is almost everything I wanted it to be. Villeneuve has done a better job than I could've asked for. I think he had to compromise on not bringing even more details to the movie, considering that the majority of the people will not have read the book. The information overload would have been difficult to follow. The look of everything and the world building is great along with a grand/epic sound design. Visually it's pretty sweet. Lots…
The best thing to come out from this year I've seen so far. Absolutely devastating and beautiful at the same time. Made me think and feel emotions that only some rare films make me feel, and this is one of them. It's going to stay with me for a while. What an excellent debut from Charlotte Wells!