María Paula

María Paula

ig: mpalzatec | vintage love

Favorite films

  • Interstellar
  • Amélie

Recent activity

  • Bullet Train


  • Shazam!


  • The Beguiled


  • Anna Karenina


Recent reviews

  • The Beguiled

    The Beguiled


    Brutal. Sofia Coppola me voló la cabeza con los personajes que construyo para esta adaptación. Me encantó la delicadeza del personaje de Kirsten Dunst, comparada con la brutalizad el acto finalidad y cómo la sexualidad de las niñas se encuentra implícita en ámbito más allá del tradicionalmente romantizado o incluso ignorado.

  • Alfie



    I like the development of the inner monologue. Is anything but predictable

  • Ad Astra

    Ad Astra


    what. a. disappoinment.
    there are a lot of interesting things in this movie. the universe they built for the story, the interstellar trips, the fact the moon is colonized, the human conflicts that were mobilized into space but! the movie is so boring…
    the conflict its hardly believable, the characters could have been much more interesting
    and another thing: The protagonist is the plainest shit of the movie. Brad Pitt, once more, could not deliver a good Performance. and most of the cast couldnt either. Just a boring shit and one of my biggest disappointments in the genre.

  • Lolita


    repulsive how they depict lolita as a person who was fully aware of her sexuality and not just a victim