Bear Smith

Bear Smith Pro

Profile picture commissioned from Marie Enger.

Ratings are for me and about my experience/enjoyment.

Favorite films

  • Alien
  • Fantasia
  • High Plains Drifter
  • It's a Wonderful Life

Recent activity

  • My Bloody Valentine


  • Love Hurts


  • V/H/S/2


  • V/H/S


Recent reviews

  • My Bloody Valentine

    My Bloody Valentine


    This was not high art but it was stupid fun and sometimes, like tonight, that is exactly what I need. 

    The 3D shots weren’t as gimmicky as they could have been, with a couple of exceptions. They certainly never delved into the levels of ridiculously gimmick-ness of Friday the 13th Part 3(D). 

    The performances were fine to middling, but never distractingly bad. And truthfully, it never felt like the actors were to blame. There was only so much they could…

  • Love Hurts

    Love Hurts


    Jason Statham has the “this mild mannered man is secretly a near-superhuman killer” genre on lockdown. It’s his genre. So if you’re going to do something in that genre, you have to bring something different to stand out. 

    Love Hurts tries, but ultimately fails, by having moments of comedy. And the comedy worked for me. I chuckled a bunch and I laughed a few times. Unfortunately the film never commits to a tone; immediately after a cute but funny conversation between…

Popular reviews

  • Godzilla 1985

    Godzilla 1985


    I could critique the American edit. I could. The new American scenes aren’t terrible but they’re pretty obviously YAY AMERICA in tone. The cut scenes of Super X fighting Godzilla could be interpreted as a way of making Japan’s defense forces look weaker, too. And really, the flow of the American edit is janky at best with some really harsh cuts in a few places. 

    I could praise parts of the American edit. They managed to keep the overall tone…

  • Bambi Meets Godzilla

    Bambi Meets Godzilla


    Getting to see this in a theater was a greater joy than I could have expected. The instant Bambi appeared on screen you could tell who in the audience knew what was coming because of the knowing laughter. And then the laughter spread over the two minutes of the film. A classic for a reason.