Enjoyer of all things fucked up
special effects artist for film
Would of rated it 5 stars if there was more flirting and face cradling
The biggest lovers quarrel in wizarding history.
In all honesty it wasn't terrible, I liked it more then the 2nd one. I really enjoyed the soundtrack and it tied together alot of loose ends.
Mads did a pretty good job as Grindewald, although the whole time I was watching it all I could see was Hannibal.
(Calling it now, if the carry on serise ever gets a film adaptation Ezra Miller is 1000 percent playing Baz)
If I even think about this game for a millisecond I get tears in my eyes. Great seeing the perspective from the production about all the leaks and hate because I remember when that shit was happening and it was insane.
Love this series more then anything and love the team . Great doco as well