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  • Spider-Man


  • The Amazing Spider-Man 2


  • Star Wars: The Force Awakens


  • TRON: Legacy


Recent reviews

  • Spider-Man



    I'm something of a film critic myself.

  • The Amazing Spider-Man 2

    The Amazing Spider-Man 2


    Gotta say, poor Pete really did lose everything. I don't think they'll ever get Spidey entirely right on the big screen, but in my opinion, this is as close as we'll get to a realistic approach to the wonderful character that is Peter Parker. And I'm content with that, for now. Got a lot of love for Garfield and his work.

    This doesn't mean I don't love Tobey with all my heart. He'll always be THE Spider-Man. But Andrew just feels right for me. I love all Spider-Men, and this is simply a matter of opinion :)

Popular reviews

  • Star Wars: The Force Awakens

    Star Wars: The Force Awakens


    I will reiterate what Mark Hamill once said. This is essentially a formulaic pattern that follows almost exactly the same narrative as Episode IV. I wouldn't put this film's lack of narrative originality down to following the works of say, Joseph Campbell and The Hero With a Thousand Faces, but rather I'd say it's just a blatant copy. It's a fairly decent attempt at re-creating the widespread joy and celebration that the first Star Wars generated all the way back…

  • TRON: Legacy

    TRON: Legacy


    Fuzzy childhood memories really make this film for me. I don't really know if it's deserving of a 4 star rating, but you gotta love that Daft Punk soundtrack.
