I’m afraid.
here all the movies i’ve watched since 18/11/2020
La burocrazia si sviluppa in modo tanto più perfetto quanto più essa si “disumanizza”.
Il risultato è l’esclusione di tutti gli elementi affettivi puramente personali nell’adempimento degli affari d’ufficio.
~ Max Weber
I can proudly say that I have a video of Harmony Korine twerking in front of me at the 2023 Venice Film Festival.
80% 📺 👄 📼
“Death to Videodrome, long live the new flesh!”
The screen of a mobile phone now possesses us and what appears on our screen emerges as a real experience for us as we watch. All that appears on our screen is reality and reality is often less than the screen. Cronenberg gave us a visionary film (and I say visionary because it is a 1983 film and is still current despite its 40 years) that must make us…