Redd Stammers

Redd Stammers

1. Idiot
2. Loser
3. Microphone abuser

Favorite films

  • The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
  • Whiplash
  • The Matrix
  • Donnie Darko

Recent activity

  • Wicked


  • The Matrix


  • Valiant


  • Network


Recent reviews

  • Wicked



    Just being a hater icl, sick of hearing this shit. “Your gonna be popular🤖🤓”
    Have some originality you fickle log

  • The Matrix

    The Matrix


    Oh my fucking god this might be my favourite film. Peak peak peak just more peak. Such a fucking cool convept, stakes were so high, I acc caught myself like heavily breathing in the helicopter bit. Such an insane movie I’m gnna watch the second one immidently. 11/10 omg

Popular reviews

  • Terrifier 3

    Terrifier 3


    Just a gore fest. The movie has somehow had 3 movies and got less and less of a plot throughout😭

  • Under Paris

    Under Paris

    This movie is like straight dogshit, every part of it is genuanlly aweful apart from like 2 scenes. Purely for the scene where like everybody LITERALLY EVERYBODY gets fuckinh eaten by 1 shark💀 it’s going up half a star, cheesy as shit, like French jaws but the style of a soap opera. Somehow sharks take over the world. Don’t watch it’s poo I rkn it wld be hillarious if u were drunk tho
