Mr. Wavvy

Mr. Wavvy

Occasional film critic for @CultMTL and @Okayplayer but don’t get it twisted, I like fart jokes too much to ever be pretentious.

Favorite films

  • Space Jam
  • The Godfather
  • Pulp Fiction
  • Coming to America

Recent activity

  • Before the Devil Knows You're Dead


  • Duck Amuck


  • I'll Be Home for National Margarita Day

  • We Beat the Dream Team


Recent reviews

  • Before the Devil Knows You're Dead

    Before the Devil Knows You're Dead


    Sidney Lumet started with 12 Angry Men and ended with this, insane filmography. Masterful storytelling with layered characters and performances for the ages.

    My only real qualm is that much of the editing uses these very mid-2000s techniques and transitions that have aged like milk.

  • I'll Be Home for National Margarita Day

    I'll Be Home for National Margarita Day

    alright man

Popular reviews

  • Bros



    Seth Rogen sat two rows behind me at the premiere and all I could focus on was his laugh.

  • Bin Laden's Hard Drive

    Bin Laden's Hard Drive


    Disney own National Geographic 

    Disney own the rights to Ice Age

    Osama Bin Laden had Ice Age on one of his hard drives.

    National Geographic produce a documentary about Osama’s hard drive, mention Ice Age but do not include any footage from the film.

    This is more frustrating than Scrat and his acorn.