Emperor Palpatine Lord Voldemort
Saying "Do it" to the Chosen One you're trying to convince to kill your follower and convert to the dark side/arts
Emperor Palpatine Lord Voldemort
Saying "Do it" to the Chosen One you're trying to convince to kill your follower and convert to the dark side/arts
Between this and Presence I’m not a fan of the first person POV style in movies. Just hard to get oriented, know what’s going on and connect with the characters
Sundance 2025 #3
Just incredibly gripping and shocking footage from start to finish. Never seen the horrors of war displayed so raw before and this is one of the most impressive pieces of filmmaking I’ve ever seen. I think it’s worth seeing just for the context of better understanding the conflict.
As a film I think it could’ve been organized a bit better and also given more context to who is filming what scenes to help grasp the dynamics of these different battalions and how their missions were fitting together.
Cannes #23
So cool seeing this at the premiere with most of the cast and Wes there!
I think there's been a clear trend in Wes' recent films of sacrifing story for style and that is very evident in this newest one. It is way too compartmentalized into different "scenes" and "acts" which detract from an overall flow of the film. Performances are standard Wes Anderson stiltedness and the cinematography is obviously so cool. I'm a fan of Wes' work so I enjoyed this but don't love the direction he's been going recently. Feels like he's starting to crank films out just using a formula.
Cannes #14
By far the most disappointing screening for me. I had heard such amazing things about this film and I’m not sure where they came from.
It’s a fascinating premise: a Nazi family living their ordinary lives mere feet from atrocities being committed at Auschwitz with only a barbed wire wall between them. However, the film never actually explores this topic in any meaningful way, instead simply displaying the family living their life over and over. It feels like…