

Favorite films

  • Father
  • Paterson
  • Taste of Cherry
  • The Great Beauty

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  • Grandma Goes South


  • Patience (After Sebald)


  • Little Trouble Girls


  • Leviathan


Recent reviews

  • Little Trouble Girls

    Little Trouble Girls


    Dober prikaz tega, kako represije ne izvajata "patriarhat" in religija, temveč prisila užitka in mit o seksualnosti kot nečem dejansko obstoječem. Ana Marija je proper predatorka. Sošolke glavno prodagonistko s seksualnostjo in prisilo užitka in spovedovanja bulijajo.

    Tuji delavci (ki so za razliko od mladoletnih deklet odrasli, kar je simptomatično v okvirih sodobnih razprav) so čisto objektivizirani, so nekakšna čista orientalna seksualnost brez jezika in subjektivnosti. Te nima niti domnevno zatrta glavna junakinja, ki je stereotipno jecljajoča, tiha, brez lastne…

  • Poker



    Provincialni kranjski nihilizem, zabeljen z gen ikserskim palamudenjem, estetiko in edgelordovstvom.

    Ima nekaj zelo dobrih nastavkov. Problem pa je, da Kranjototi stalno glumijo. Glumijo nacionaliste, glumijo levičarje, glumijo partizane, glumijo transgresijo ... zato ne vedo, kdaj se ustavit in potem gre vse skupaj over the top v cringe. Film mi je bil dosti všeč, kljub ikserskim klišejem, do Magnificovega epiloga. Potem pa gre vse navdzdol, ker gre vse skupaj v edgelordovsko bedarijo.

Popular reviews

  • The Beauty of Vice

    The Beauty of Vice


    One of the all time greats. No doubt. In the world, caught between brutal traditionalism and equally brutal progressivism, there is no room for women. Neither for men. Only for demons. One of the most brilliant critiques of the really existing socialism.

    As Mila Furlan put it - between Yugoslav directors who didn’t know what to do with the actresses except to strip them naked and eroticism of the Lepota poroka, there is a huge difference which many aren’t able to see. This difference means a world.

  • Brighton 4th

    Brighton 4th


    Instant classic. Camera looking at New York with the gaze everyone east and south of Vienna will recognize, which is a deconstruction of a spectacular American image in itself. Naturalistic and multidimensional portrait of vicious circle of poverty and the absurdity of world economic order. Soul crushing and heartful  but not a bit pathetic bow to the spirit of poor people. Could be very doomish but very subtle dark humor gives it a lighter touch. Masterful use of Georgian and…
