bd miller

bd miller

Favorite films

  • It's a Wonderful Life
  • Young Frankenstein
  • Harold and Maude
  • Seven Samurai

Recent activity

  • L.A. Confidential


  • The French Connection


  • Wolf Man


  • Phone Booth


Recent reviews

  • L.A. Confidential

    L.A. Confidential


    I saw this film years ago and just rewatched it with my family. This is a beautiful LA film that forgoes all the usual self aggrandizing “Hollywood” and “Cool LA” mythos usually associated with self referential LA films. It’s a  brilliantly complex script and wonderfully conflicted characters. Young Russel Crow, Ed Pierce, Kim Basinger, and maybe especially Kevin Spacey (goddammit, Kevin!) are all wonderful. Sure, maybe he’s a bad guy but goddamn that bad guy can act! 🖤

    Also Danny Devito and my Hollywood YMCA gym buddy James Cromwell turn in strong performances!

  • The French Connection

    The French Connection


    I forgot what a downer this movie is. The 70’s were when the “no happy endings” films became popular

Popular reviews

  • Hereditary



    If all you want is to be horrified this is your film. It’s a horrifying, derivative, spasmodic, crap piece of film making that at best shocks and at worst feels like a Rob Zombie brand fuck you to the viewer.  This movie showed me nothing compelling or new. 

    Hats off to a brilliant performance by Tony Colette!!! 🤘👏👏👏🖤🖤🫀🫀 sadly one performance does not a movie make


  • Lady Snowblood

    Lady Snowblood


    Fuck yes!

    A beautifully photographed Japanese “Lady Vengeance” film shot in 70’s “spoitation” style about a woman born for the sole purpose of killing her family’s killers one by one with an umbrella sword, gallons of high pressure bright red blood,  a soundtrack that goes from Spaghetti Western to jarring silence, and exposition scenes in manga illustrations! Who the fuck needs Quentin Tarantino?! 😆

    Just kidding love you Quentin… but this movie…