

is it better to speak or to die?

Favorite films

  • The Perks of Being a Wallflower
  • Brave
  • Call Me by Your Name
  • Zamfir's Zona

Recent activity

  • Good Bye, Lenin!


  • The Virgin Suicides


  • Little Women


  • Barking at the Stars


Recent reviews

  • Good Bye, Lenin!

    Good Bye, Lenin!


    First time I enjoyed a German film

  • The Virgin Suicides

    The Virgin Suicides


    i’m not in love
    cried during homecoming lux and trip scene
    peach liquor
    trip i despise you
    highschool lover
    “i didn’t care how she got home” …
    i thought i’d never make it past cecilia
    playground love
    i’ve been listening to the same 3 songs since i’ve seen it
    blonde hair
    teenage girl

Popular reviews

  • Call Me by Your Name

    Call Me by Your Name


    Kay so my plan in life is to study rly rly good, get rly rly rich and then buy the Perlman house. I could genuinely rewatch this movie so many times and still love it every single time. It has become a sort of ritual that I watch it at least once before the summer, and If I have the time and opportunity, during the summer. While already have explored some parts of Northern Italy, this movie makes me fall…

  • Dead Poets Society

    Dead Poets Society


    Oof where do i even start with this one. This movie is so right in so many ways. Poetry, their love and their passion for it, Mr Keating’s warmth and his way of teaching, seen odd by most teachers but I would die to have one like him, Neil’s enthusiastic character that is so full of love and life, just searching for his future by doing something that he enjoys, Todd’s weirdness and having a hard time integrating into the…